Isaiah and other prophets have encouraged us to awake, arise, and put on strength (Isa. 51:9; 52:1). Light is an important part of the “strength” God desires us to have. Embracing light and becoming “strong” requires seeking and obtaining truth and then acting upon it, a sometimes difficult task. If we are open to both, and if, as the Lord says, “you will receive it” (Mat. 11:14) and then act upon it, light and wonderful things tied to it, await you and I. Knowledge or light is power. Understanding better the heavenly signs in God’s calendar helps prepare us for coming events. The greatest knowledge, however, is that given directly of the Lord, the ability to sense the whisperings of God’s still, small voice. Hosea and Isaiah lamented ignorance of God’s ways, stating that many are destroyed for it, leading to captivity and destruction (Hosea 4:5; Isa. 5:13, 9:16). Throughout scripture “knowledge” has layered meaning, referring to; (1) knowledge of God’s word in scripture, (2) familiarity with His still small voice, and (3) intimate redeeming knowledge the Lord provides us personally, by receiving Him.
Ignorance is not bliss. It is dangerous according to watchmen on the tower. The purpose of this work is the sweeping away of darkness and false traditions, of coming to understand what lies before us as revealed in prophetic heavenly signs. They are intimately tied to the Atonement of Jesus Christ. My own ignorance of both has been a motivating factor for this work. In it I came to know that much of what I long held as truth was filled with comfortable traditions. They are continually taught and reinforced from one generation to the next, by what scriptures say are our “fathers”, our “priests” and “kings”. There is a price to pay for greater light, however, in the difficult process of unloading false traditions along with unsavory habits. Some light is shocking. Desiring it, we must be prepared to receive it, and often, in ways completely outside of our familiar “boxes” or comfort zones.
Portions of this work build on the research of Dr. Ernest L. Martin who sought truth and was not afraid to embrace it, even though it didn’t mesh with current traditions in the Christian community. He let relevant research, historic sources, Mosaic Law, and patterns in the Bible direct His groundbreaking work. Part of his research focused on locating the site of Herod’s Temple, and the sacred setting of our Savior’s crucifixion relative to it. He also proposed a new date for Christ’s birth as marked by the heavens. His research and that of Mark Biltz (discoverer of the blood moon connection to the Holy Days), along with Troy Miller (research into God’s unique calendar) have been foundational for what follows. The re-translation of Isaiah by Avraham Gileadi and research by Robert Smith have also been useful. Their collective efforts have been expanded upon in combination with the author’s strengths, all in relation to our Savior’s mission, and the dramatic heavenly signs returning again today. Seven sources as witnesses have been used to establish truth in this book. They are presented on page 23. Number one of seven is the heavens above - light and truth that man cannot change. In this work conjunctions and eclipses and what they present us take center stage, climaxing in our Savior’s Atonement in chapter 7.
The focus of it all is our Redeemer and the signs marking His first and second coming. Solomon stated, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (Eccl. 3:1). Though darkness is increasing all around us, fear need not dominate our lives, but rather great hope in the coming events. God loves us and will not allow darkness to reign. Light will replace darkness in every sense of the word. That hope is strengthened in and through Jesus the Christ. He has invited us to His great last-days feast, symbolized in the eighth or Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles. It will be a time of protection, love, and light, when He is finally tabernacled with us.
This work has been created for those who love Jesus, for Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Mormons, Lutherans, Born Again Christians, and anyone wishing to understand the relationship of the heavens to what is coming, and how both are connected to Christ. It is written to our Jewish brothers and sisters as well. Many of them have come to love the Lord Jesus too. They are the focus of last day’s prophecy and the signs tied to them. They are His people. Jesus as the Messiah will be presented to them one last time. All of us come from some tradition or faith. Each has precious jewels to offer, as well as little baggage. The best of it provides light. Unfortunately there is often much judgment and discord among us. When Constantine made Christianity the official faith of his empire in 321 AD, the persecution of Christians ended, but persecution directed towards the Jews increased. Jews and Mormons are some of the most hated people today, and often within the “Christian” community. The second of our Lord’s great commandments is that we love one another, as He loved us. God desires His children to be one with Him and with one another. We must be unified to fight off increasing darkness and prepare ourselves for the great trials that lie ahead. Sadly, trials are often the only way we are humbled enough to change, to soften our hearts and be as little children; humble, willing to learn, and full of love, the pure love of Christ. In our coming trials, we must learn one great lesson - that love, best portrayed in the charitable example of Jesus Christ, is “the way,” the only way.
When the need for survival outweighs our perceived differences and we finally come together, our strengths will be mixed into one great whole. Our friends the Jews, the ancient Covenant people, possess understanding of Biblical law, along with portions of the Lord’s precious important calendar. The Catholics honor tradition and ritual. They love the Lord’s mother and the ancient Saints. Born Again Christians know how to worship and praise Jesus with joy and thanksgiving. The Mormons have temple worship and additional scripture. People of all faiths have the weaknesses of men too. As we collectively banish these weaknesses and center ourselves on the Lord Jesus, our hearts will be purified, and we will be strengthened and better prepared for the future. I invite you to look beyond surface labels and your own traditions and seek for light in all good things, including this work.
For greatest understanding of the information given hereafter, you are encouraged to read each scriptural reference as they appear in the text, and the endnotes whenever possible. You’ll find that some information presented here comes from no particular tradition, but instead originates in the Urim and Thummim that is scripture, a personal guide for each of us. Seeking the Lord - His still small voice (1 Kings 19:12), through prayer and contemplation has brought much. In this voice there is no conforming control or coercion, just light. God is credited for any and all light here. Mistakes are the author’s alone.
The climax of the book is our Lord’s Atonement in chapter 7. To understand it more completely and the signs He has given us relative to His return, a groundwork has been laid in preceding chapters. In them God’s symbolic language is presented, wherein we see patterns, symbols, numbers, and the Holy Days as part of His unique calendar, and how it all interfaces with the heavens. It can be a complex journey to learn these unfamiliar things, but if you will stay with it, you will be given a foundation that will help you understand the deeper things of the Lord’s mission to redeem us. At the very least, you will come away with a greater appreciation for God’s majesty, and how He tries to reach us and teach us in many ways. He does so out of love.
Difficult times are ahead of us. To survive the coming trials and the transfiguration of this earth to a higher plane, we too must be transformed. The Lord has stated that He will come in judgment to redeem His people at the start of the Millennium (D&C 43:29). In verse 32 He tells us, “And he that liveth in righteousness shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye, and the earth shall pass away so as by fire.” At an introductory level, these words reveal the need for individual righteousness. But at a necessary deeper level we are taught to dwell in God, in only He who is “righteousness,” Jesus Christ. This is one of His many important name-titles. John tells us, “he that doeth righteousness is righteousness” (1 John 3:7). He is called “the righteous” in Moses 7:47 and 67 (see also Jer. 23:6). God’s son, the Son of Righteousness will come with healing in his wings” in the last days (Mal. 4:2). We must hunger and thirst after “righteousness” (Matt. 5:6). As we do, we shall receive Him, for He is the “fountain of all righteousness” (1 Ne. 2:9; Ether 8:26).
It is the author’s hope that you will find the light-based journey hereafter fruitful. It is dedicated to the creator of heaven and earth, Jesus the Christ. He is the light of the world (John 8:12).