Other Books by Val Brinkerhoff
Who is the Book of Mormon remnant? What is their last-days mission? Few know that our Savior has visited our Native American brothers and sisters, doing so a number of times. One of His most widely reported visits was in 1890 in western Nevada. Few are aware of it today, yet it was reported in magazines and newspapers across the country that year. It led to “the Messiah Craze.” The Federal Government sent U.S. Army General Nelson Miles to investigate this “Messiah” and why Native Americans were reacting so strongly to His supposed visit. Reports suggest Christ taught representatives of some sixteen tribes a message centered on spreading brotherhood and love among the Indian people, and with the white man. He did this via a special dance known as “the Dance of Welcome or Peace.” He also taught that this choice land would one day return to the oppressed Native American people. Both teachings were dramatically changed upon His departure, reflecting a desire to seek revenge against the whites by those not at the gathering. The end result of the Messiah Craze was the Massacre at Wounded Knee, the last major battle between the U.S. Army and Native Americans.
What does the Book of Mormon say about the rising up of these forgotten people in the end-times? How do they fit into the fulfilment of important covenants made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and especially Joseph? Who will lead them? These are a few of the subjects addressed in this work (www.digitalegend.com) The Original Setting for the Temples and the Atonement / 174 pages (request the latest 7th edition) For centuries there has been tension between Jews, Christians and Muslims over what is believed to be the home of the Jerusalem Temples, the Temple Mount. Contained in the following seven chapters is evidence for a better location, one based on archetypes that conform to ancient temple patterns given of God, along with foundational support of scripture and historical sources. The journey to locate Solomon’s Temple and those following it allows each archetype to be addressed one at a time in a single chapter, providing detail and understanding. They center on important temple concepts including living water, consuming fire, the creation mound, centrality, and more. As this journey unfolds, tradition and error are replaced with truth and light, at least for those who will receive it. Most importantly greater understanding unfolds regarding our Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement, the central focus of the ancient temple and its sacrifices and other ordinances. Why did God establish His temple in Jerusalem? In what setting did He place it, and why? Answers to these simple questions uncover important temple patterns, archetypes, and insights, those tied to Christ, and to Abraham, Melchizedek and Enoch, and the core teachings they wished to share with their people. |
Awake and Arise: Coming Tribulation and Judgment, the Last-days according to Isaiah / 175 pages (request the latest 9th edition)
This important book details the importance of Isaiah's prophecies for us today, helping readers understand the underlying message of Isaiah's 66 chapters. They address not only coming tribulation and judgment upon America and why (chapter 1), but the Mighty and Strong One sent to deliver many in the last-days. Who is he? What is his role? Chapter 2 of this volume uncovers 50 names for this special Davidic Servant in Isaiah alone. He is sent by the Lord into the vineyard to defeat the Beast and false prophet. He also builds the new temple in old Jerusalem as "the Branch." He eventually leads the 144,000 to help gather the elect in the latter judgment period throughout the world. There are 20 additional names for this servant in other books of scripture. His three-fold mission is revealed by Joseph Smith in D&C 77, verses 9 and 14, where we read that he is an "Elias" who "gathers the Twelve Tribes of Israel" and "restores all things." Many enlightening scriptures reveal the importance of this translated being, and what he will be doing soon. It is time we know him and prepare for what lies ahead. |
Holy unto the Lord: The Nazarite Vow and the Atonement / 111 pages (request the latest 2nd edition) This is a book about the Nazarite vow of Numbers 6 and how it connects to the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It showcases not only this unique form of personal covenant-making with the Lord, but more importantly its relationship to ten blood sacrifices in scripture, each pointing to the Savior’s great sacrifice in Gethsemane, the scourging and the cross. You’ll gain a greater understanding of our precious Lord in this volume – the author’s favorite book. |
Lost Wisdom: Archetypes of the Atonement, Ascension & At-one-ment / 210 pages (request the latest 5th edition) This book returns much “Lost Wisdom” about our return to God in this life (ascension), doing so via an in-depth discussion of three related concepts; the Atonement which makes all things possible (chapter one), Ascension into the presence of God (chapter two), and At-one-ment – becoming one with God (chapter three). This discussion unfolds via important visual archetypes tied to each of them. The combination of text, illustration and in-depth endnotes return wisdom of value. Currently doing a re-write of this book with new information (expected completion date: March 2015). |
Pillars of the Priesthood: Teachings and Symbols of God’s Holy Order / 315 pages (one edition only, 1st edition) This book is about all things “priesthood” – the Aaronic, Melchizedek and Patriarchal “orders”. It is about how God transfers real power in the priesthood to His chosen sent ones, about the duties of the matriarch and patriach, for example, the sealing power, official priesthood cursing, the doctrine of adoption, and much more – things we can and may know. |
The Day Star: Reading Sacred Architecture / 800 pages - two volume set (400 pages each) In these two volumes you’ll find the gospel of Jesus Christ expressed visually through the symbolism of sacred architecture. This is an encyclopedia of discovery, with discussions of sacred space, sacred time, and everything from the meaning of the beehive, Freemasonry versus Mormonism, and the rise, fall and resurrection of LDS temple symbolism, to the connection of these visual archetypes to various important doctrines, including Calling and Election, the Second Comforter, and more (Digital Legend Press, digitalegend.com). |
Other Books (Val’s photography only)
- Sacred Walls (Covenant)
- Visualizing the Lands of the Book of Mormon (Covenant)
- Joseph Smith: The Man, the Mission, the Message (Covenant)
- Architecture of the Ancient Ones (Gibbs Smith)