The 7 chapters
Our journey will involve seven chapters and two appendices, with the following content:
Chapter 1
The first chapter addresses watchmen who have a different perspective than we do. Their position high on a tower allows them to “see” more than most. They are the prophets of scripture. They are servants of the Lord who speak truth, even when it is difficult or troubling. God’s word is a great blessing, often providing truths that push away false traditions, that light might once again enter in. The messages are centered in Christ, our only hope. In this work, these and other messages are all presented in relationship to the heavens, a source of light and truth that man cannot alter. Most watchmen are from the past. They saw our day and the need we would have for their important, timely words. We should pay attention to their pointed messages. The watchmen include Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, John the Revelator, and others, including living oracles.
Chapter 2
This chapter addresses special events tied to the covenant people as marked by God’s heavenly calendar of signs. They reveal a pattern of judgment and then mercy in their timing, and keys for understanding why and how. They are important as the same ominous warning signs above have returned in our day, along with the same players, now center stage once again. The signs include a series of four consecutive blood-moon eclipses over two years, falling on two important Holy Days; Passover and Tabernacles (near the two equinoxes). NASA calls these special blood-moons a “Tetrad” (four total lunar eclipses in sequence). There have been eight since the birth of Christ. The first in our day was on the full moon of Passover on April 15 of 2014, the last occurring on Tabernacles, September 28 of 2015. This is two weeks after the New Moon, which occurs on the fall equinox, the marker for the end of a very important "release" - the Sabbatical or Shemitah Year, "the year of release" (Deut. 15:2, 30:19 & 29, 31:10-13) - at the last hour of New Year's Eve, when "the hour of judgment has come" (Rev. 14:7; 18:17-19, see p. 111). This is followed by the Hebrew civil New Year. If we are to be prepared for what is coming, we must understand these and other heavenly signs within God’s unique calendar. Following God’s calendar is a form of true worship. Much of it has been lost and must be restored if we are to understand various Heavenly signs and their alignments, in conjunctions and eclipses. These signs often fall on one or more of the important Hebrew Holy Days. Together, God’s mission of redemption for man is laid out, reveal coming events and their timing that we might be prepared for His return and be blessed in His light and love.
Chapter 3
Following in chapter 3 is a discussion on the first portion of God’s calendar; the three “Sabbath” Holy Days as observed in the Bible. They include; (1) the 7th Sabbath day, tied to “rest” after the Creation, (2) the 7th Sabbath year or Sabbatical Year, tied to “release”, and (3) the Jubilee Year (the 7x7 = 49 years + 1). It is tied to a “restoration” period, and thus ultimate “liberty” in and through Christ and His redemption. We will first see in this chapter the dual quality of prophecy in the book of Daniel for the first and second coming of Christ, a unique attribute of other prophetic books too, like Isaiah and Revelation. All three Sabbaths aid us in a “return” to God, part of His plan to deliver us from darkness. A number of the heavenly signs “fall on” or “align” with one or more of these Sabbaths. Knowing the meaning attached to them reveals what is coming in the signs, and why, whereas the sign itself provides their timing. They also reveal coming judgment and its timing, near the opening 7th Seal or Millennium, and much more.
Chapter 4
In addition to the three special Sabbaths, God’s calendar also utilizes the traditional seven annual divine appointments, the most familiar Hebrew Holy Days. They are divided into two primary groups in association with mercy or judgment. They are instructive of Christ’s mission in mercy in the meridian of time, and His Second Coming return in Judgment. Three of the seven annual Holy Days are positioned at each of the two equinoxes (as marked by the sun and moon, God’s two faithful witnesses). The three spring Holy Days (and one in summer) are tied to our Savior’s merciful Atonement as the Lamb of God. They have been fulfilled. The three fall Holy Days are tied to His role as Judge and King in the last-days, part of the new peaceful and just kingdom that will replace all corrupt governments. Holy Days five and six are about to be fulfilled, marked by signs we are now starting to see. Additional days now memorialized in the Hebrew calendar are also addressed. Being familiar with them all and their meaning, in connection with heavenly signs occurring on them, is essential for understanding the timing, sequence, and purpose of the signs, all in association with our Lord’s mission.
Chapter 5
Luminous heavenly markers have a “creation” or mercy focus. These are marked by the greater light of conjunctions of planets within our solar system, like Jupiter (the king planet) with Venus (the virgin planet). When they come together or are “conjoined” from our earthly perspective, they provide increased light attracting attention. Their combined greater light has association with joy and hope. Such signs signaled the conception and birth of Christ 2000 years ago, to the very season, month, day, and hour. He said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). In this chapter we begin throwing off traditions and letting the heavens tell us when God descended here to save us that He might show us “the way”. He came to fulfill the law and prophecy in all their detail. His birthdate reflects this. The same marker and scriptures pointing to His coming, also appear to mark that of another deliverer or servant like Moses of old, an “Elias” preparing the way before the Lord’s Second Coming return. We will learn of his preparatory mission in this chapter as well, in association with the ancient temple drama performed in Solomon’s Temple. We will see that he, and especially our coming Lord, are central to the message of Isaiah, Daniel, and Revelation. They contain very important prophecy for our day about coming judgment upon the earth during the final seven-years of the earth as we know it, the time of “Jacob’s Trouble”. It will be followed by the enthronement of the king at the Feast of Tabernacles.
Chapter 6
In opposition to the greater light of creation, there is ominous darkness tied to judgment. Instead of con-joined planets, our most luminous heavenly bodies, the sun and moon, bring darkness upon us in another kind of alignment or conjunction – an eclipse. They provide darkness by blocking or “eclipsing” the light of one another in an alignment from our earth perspective. In antiquity, solar or lunar eclipses were an ominous omen, tied to calamity. Starting in April of 2014 and continuing through September of 2015, there are four lunar eclipses of note (a Tetrad). Some follow a partial or total solar eclipse two weeks earlier. These eclipses are significant because the fall on one of the annual Hebrew Holy Days. When the total lunar eclipse is blood red in color, when it is larger in size than normal, and when it falls on a special Sabbath and upon an annual Hebrew Holy Day, we should pay close attention. In addition, when patterns reveal that judgment occurred with this same sign in the past, it is especially noteworthy! The collective “alignment” of these rare traits is God’s way of saying, “awake and arise”. Prepare yourselves for that which is to follow. Chapter 6 presents other heavenly signs too, including solar system alignments, coming comets, and one last "grand sign" - the sign of the coming of "the Son of Man". There is much to learn in the patterns of the heavens, all tied to the return of the "light of the world", Jesus Christ.
Chapter 7
The ultimate focus of the seven witnesses is God's message of deliverance, made possible in His all important Atonement. It is the climax of this volume. The word “release” will be seen throughout all seven chapters hereafter, as it is the purpose of Christ’s descent here, a mission to release us from the bondage of sin, death, and hell. The previous six chapters as witnesses aid us in determining the conception, birth, crucifixion, and resurrection dates of our Lord, all in the ancient Holy Land. Patterns and possibilities for His return are also addressed with them, though some of the specifics remain hidden. This chapter addresses the last days of our Savior’s life, including the geography of where His suffering had to occur and why. Previously unknown details in how it played out are also revealed, along with when it happened as revealed in heavenly witnesses once again. Man cannot change the heavens. Their light provides truth. Collectively, these insights help us come to know our Savior better. False traditions will be swept away as further understanding unfolds. Our Savior’s Atonement is the core concept of His gospel and the whole reason He descended here – to redeem us. In it we will see that Jesus not only gave the law, but fulfilled it completely in every jot, tittle, ritual, type, shadow, and pattern. He did so on the very day and hour foretold in prophecy, and as marked by the heavens, His calendar.
Appendix A
There is more in the appendices. Because the seven annual Hebrew Holy Days are an important key in understanding all that is addressed here, and because they are layered in meaning, greater depth concerning them is provided in Appendix A: Jehovah’s Seven Divine Appointments. Those desiring greatest clarity in God’s calendar should use this resource for added insight.
Appendix B
There are also numerous archetypes of the Atonement all around us. Some are found in sacred architecture. There, judgment-oriented measure of sacred space - on the earth below, often correlates to time in the heavens above. Some of these measures appear to correlate to the timing of coming events in the last-days. Two ancient structures are addressed in some detail in Appendix B. They are memorials for Christ. They feature the concept of reconciliation embedded in their basic form, a geometric relationship of the square (earth) to the circle (heaven). Called the "squared-circle", it is THE visual motif illustrating Christ’s mission of redemption, revealing the geometry of light, including the rainbow, within a space – time – light correspondence.
End Notes, Index, etc.
Following the two Appendices is a Signs and Seasons summary, followed by a useful Index for searching the text of the book. Additional treasures are available in the extensive endnotes at the end of the book, nearly 200 of them. They collectively address the following themes:
Chapter 1
The first chapter addresses watchmen who have a different perspective than we do. Their position high on a tower allows them to “see” more than most. They are the prophets of scripture. They are servants of the Lord who speak truth, even when it is difficult or troubling. God’s word is a great blessing, often providing truths that push away false traditions, that light might once again enter in. The messages are centered in Christ, our only hope. In this work, these and other messages are all presented in relationship to the heavens, a source of light and truth that man cannot alter. Most watchmen are from the past. They saw our day and the need we would have for their important, timely words. We should pay attention to their pointed messages. The watchmen include Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, John the Revelator, and others, including living oracles.
Chapter 2
This chapter addresses special events tied to the covenant people as marked by God’s heavenly calendar of signs. They reveal a pattern of judgment and then mercy in their timing, and keys for understanding why and how. They are important as the same ominous warning signs above have returned in our day, along with the same players, now center stage once again. The signs include a series of four consecutive blood-moon eclipses over two years, falling on two important Holy Days; Passover and Tabernacles (near the two equinoxes). NASA calls these special blood-moons a “Tetrad” (four total lunar eclipses in sequence). There have been eight since the birth of Christ. The first in our day was on the full moon of Passover on April 15 of 2014, the last occurring on Tabernacles, September 28 of 2015. This is two weeks after the New Moon, which occurs on the fall equinox, the marker for the end of a very important "release" - the Sabbatical or Shemitah Year, "the year of release" (Deut. 15:2, 30:19 & 29, 31:10-13) - at the last hour of New Year's Eve, when "the hour of judgment has come" (Rev. 14:7; 18:17-19, see p. 111). This is followed by the Hebrew civil New Year. If we are to be prepared for what is coming, we must understand these and other heavenly signs within God’s unique calendar. Following God’s calendar is a form of true worship. Much of it has been lost and must be restored if we are to understand various Heavenly signs and their alignments, in conjunctions and eclipses. These signs often fall on one or more of the important Hebrew Holy Days. Together, God’s mission of redemption for man is laid out, reveal coming events and their timing that we might be prepared for His return and be blessed in His light and love.
Chapter 3
Following in chapter 3 is a discussion on the first portion of God’s calendar; the three “Sabbath” Holy Days as observed in the Bible. They include; (1) the 7th Sabbath day, tied to “rest” after the Creation, (2) the 7th Sabbath year or Sabbatical Year, tied to “release”, and (3) the Jubilee Year (the 7x7 = 49 years + 1). It is tied to a “restoration” period, and thus ultimate “liberty” in and through Christ and His redemption. We will first see in this chapter the dual quality of prophecy in the book of Daniel for the first and second coming of Christ, a unique attribute of other prophetic books too, like Isaiah and Revelation. All three Sabbaths aid us in a “return” to God, part of His plan to deliver us from darkness. A number of the heavenly signs “fall on” or “align” with one or more of these Sabbaths. Knowing the meaning attached to them reveals what is coming in the signs, and why, whereas the sign itself provides their timing. They also reveal coming judgment and its timing, near the opening 7th Seal or Millennium, and much more.
Chapter 4
In addition to the three special Sabbaths, God’s calendar also utilizes the traditional seven annual divine appointments, the most familiar Hebrew Holy Days. They are divided into two primary groups in association with mercy or judgment. They are instructive of Christ’s mission in mercy in the meridian of time, and His Second Coming return in Judgment. Three of the seven annual Holy Days are positioned at each of the two equinoxes (as marked by the sun and moon, God’s two faithful witnesses). The three spring Holy Days (and one in summer) are tied to our Savior’s merciful Atonement as the Lamb of God. They have been fulfilled. The three fall Holy Days are tied to His role as Judge and King in the last-days, part of the new peaceful and just kingdom that will replace all corrupt governments. Holy Days five and six are about to be fulfilled, marked by signs we are now starting to see. Additional days now memorialized in the Hebrew calendar are also addressed. Being familiar with them all and their meaning, in connection with heavenly signs occurring on them, is essential for understanding the timing, sequence, and purpose of the signs, all in association with our Lord’s mission.
Chapter 5
Luminous heavenly markers have a “creation” or mercy focus. These are marked by the greater light of conjunctions of planets within our solar system, like Jupiter (the king planet) with Venus (the virgin planet). When they come together or are “conjoined” from our earthly perspective, they provide increased light attracting attention. Their combined greater light has association with joy and hope. Such signs signaled the conception and birth of Christ 2000 years ago, to the very season, month, day, and hour. He said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). In this chapter we begin throwing off traditions and letting the heavens tell us when God descended here to save us that He might show us “the way”. He came to fulfill the law and prophecy in all their detail. His birthdate reflects this. The same marker and scriptures pointing to His coming, also appear to mark that of another deliverer or servant like Moses of old, an “Elias” preparing the way before the Lord’s Second Coming return. We will learn of his preparatory mission in this chapter as well, in association with the ancient temple drama performed in Solomon’s Temple. We will see that he, and especially our coming Lord, are central to the message of Isaiah, Daniel, and Revelation. They contain very important prophecy for our day about coming judgment upon the earth during the final seven-years of the earth as we know it, the time of “Jacob’s Trouble”. It will be followed by the enthronement of the king at the Feast of Tabernacles.
Chapter 6
In opposition to the greater light of creation, there is ominous darkness tied to judgment. Instead of con-joined planets, our most luminous heavenly bodies, the sun and moon, bring darkness upon us in another kind of alignment or conjunction – an eclipse. They provide darkness by blocking or “eclipsing” the light of one another in an alignment from our earth perspective. In antiquity, solar or lunar eclipses were an ominous omen, tied to calamity. Starting in April of 2014 and continuing through September of 2015, there are four lunar eclipses of note (a Tetrad). Some follow a partial or total solar eclipse two weeks earlier. These eclipses are significant because the fall on one of the annual Hebrew Holy Days. When the total lunar eclipse is blood red in color, when it is larger in size than normal, and when it falls on a special Sabbath and upon an annual Hebrew Holy Day, we should pay close attention. In addition, when patterns reveal that judgment occurred with this same sign in the past, it is especially noteworthy! The collective “alignment” of these rare traits is God’s way of saying, “awake and arise”. Prepare yourselves for that which is to follow. Chapter 6 presents other heavenly signs too, including solar system alignments, coming comets, and one last "grand sign" - the sign of the coming of "the Son of Man". There is much to learn in the patterns of the heavens, all tied to the return of the "light of the world", Jesus Christ.
Chapter 7
The ultimate focus of the seven witnesses is God's message of deliverance, made possible in His all important Atonement. It is the climax of this volume. The word “release” will be seen throughout all seven chapters hereafter, as it is the purpose of Christ’s descent here, a mission to release us from the bondage of sin, death, and hell. The previous six chapters as witnesses aid us in determining the conception, birth, crucifixion, and resurrection dates of our Lord, all in the ancient Holy Land. Patterns and possibilities for His return are also addressed with them, though some of the specifics remain hidden. This chapter addresses the last days of our Savior’s life, including the geography of where His suffering had to occur and why. Previously unknown details in how it played out are also revealed, along with when it happened as revealed in heavenly witnesses once again. Man cannot change the heavens. Their light provides truth. Collectively, these insights help us come to know our Savior better. False traditions will be swept away as further understanding unfolds. Our Savior’s Atonement is the core concept of His gospel and the whole reason He descended here – to redeem us. In it we will see that Jesus not only gave the law, but fulfilled it completely in every jot, tittle, ritual, type, shadow, and pattern. He did so on the very day and hour foretold in prophecy, and as marked by the heavens, His calendar.
Appendix A
There is more in the appendices. Because the seven annual Hebrew Holy Days are an important key in understanding all that is addressed here, and because they are layered in meaning, greater depth concerning them is provided in Appendix A: Jehovah’s Seven Divine Appointments. Those desiring greatest clarity in God’s calendar should use this resource for added insight.
Appendix B
There are also numerous archetypes of the Atonement all around us. Some are found in sacred architecture. There, judgment-oriented measure of sacred space - on the earth below, often correlates to time in the heavens above. Some of these measures appear to correlate to the timing of coming events in the last-days. Two ancient structures are addressed in some detail in Appendix B. They are memorials for Christ. They feature the concept of reconciliation embedded in their basic form, a geometric relationship of the square (earth) to the circle (heaven). Called the "squared-circle", it is THE visual motif illustrating Christ’s mission of redemption, revealing the geometry of light, including the rainbow, within a space – time – light correspondence.
End Notes, Index, etc.
Following the two Appendices is a Signs and Seasons summary, followed by a useful Index for searching the text of the book. Additional treasures are available in the extensive endnotes at the end of the book, nearly 200 of them. They collectively address the following themes:
- The heavenly signs which mark our Lord’s birth, death, and return.
- The Lord’s calendar, how it works, and how heavenly signs and the Holy Days interface in it to teach us.
- What the heavenly signs are in this calendar, including various types of “alignments” of the sun, moon, planets, and constellations, along with what they express, how, and their timing.
- The Atonement of Christ and its important lost details, including where it occurred, why, and how.
- The ancient temple drama and how it is tied to the future enthronement of our King Jesus Christ, and more…